ADRISEISMICThe Municipality of Gjirokaster is implementing the ADRISEISMIC (New approaches for seismic improvement and renovation of Adriatic and Ionian historic urban centres) project under the Interreg ADRION (Adriatic-Ionian) programme, with priority axis in Sustainable Region – Enhance the capacity in transnationally tackling environmental vulnerability, fragmentation, and the safeguarding of ecosystem services in the Adriatic-Ionian area. The partnership involves 8 partners from 6 countries (IT, HR, SI, GR, AL, RS). It includes municipalities, regional authorities and development agencies as well as universities, research and training centres.
The ADRION area is heavily subject to natural hazards, and it is the highest risk earthquake area in Europe. The high vulnerability of the area is due not only to the power of earthquakes, but also to the high population density and to the important value of the Cultural and Natural Heritage, confirmed by a large number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and UNESCO Geoparks.
The ADRISEISMIC project scope stretches in three main domains, each addressing an individual problem that altogether correlates as composite parts of the main goal. The followings are the goals presented by this project:
1) the lack of homogeneous and comparable policies for addressing seismic risk prevention.
2) the need for harmonized common approaches in the 3 above-mentioned fields (i.e. normative, technical, and educational)
3) the transferability of the proposed solutions to the local contexts, to strengthen institutional capacities at all levels, to implement environmental legislation and policies aimed at fostering sustainable development and to increase skills and expertise concerning seismic vulnerability reduction.
The project is funded from ERDF (European Regional Development Funds) with a total budget that arises to 1.126.640.00 €


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